Ceremonial Boat Trips at Sunset on the Grand Canal - Palace of Versailles
Followed by a boat with a group of live musicians
Elegant light dinner by candlelight
Served along the bank of the Grand Canal light up with torches

On the banks of the Grand Canal of Palace of Versailles, the Grand Trianon was the country house of the Louis XIV, the sun King, tired of the golden splendour of Versailles. In this marvellous pink marble structure designed by Mansart, the King was joined by guests for whom he organised light meals, games, music and boat trips.

Created in 1670 by André Le Nôtre and one of the jewels of the Palace of Versailles, the Grand Canal is shaped like a large cross.

The longer arm is 1 670m long and 62m wide


The Grand Canal banks have played host to legendary parties, such as in 1674 when it was lit up along its entire length with thousands of jars placed behind transparent decorations. From 1669 onwards Louis XIV sailed different kinds of boats here, including rowing boats.

In 1674 the Republic of Venice sent the king two gondolas and four gondoliers. The gondoliers were housed in a series of buildings at the end of the Canal which was thereafter referred to as Little Venice.


Vue du Grand Trianon prise du bras nord du Grand Canal de Versailles painting by Louis Nicolas de Lespinasse ( 1734-1808 ) © Château de Versailles

(View of the Grand Trianon from the North bank of The Grand canal - Palace of Versailles)